// Chalkboard Stories


Mood : Feel Blessed
Status : Let Allah do the rest ..

StoryThe CEOGoodies


Welcome to my little stalkers. Drop nice words here. Sorry if I didn't reply it back. 

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Ieqa | Rina | Akhma | syakirah | Adya | Ain | Lovey? | Lovey?

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nEw InsPirAtiOn...
 wah!! mnrik tol tjok ataz uh..
s'bnarnye.. xde pape 0wn.. juz tuka template bru..
tp, background ttp sme.. bab x tau nak tkar pe..
hope u'all ske.. kat bwh nie.. MyLa nk tnjok wjh lme..
walaupon lbih kurang je.. hehe =D

credits= Yana Shah..

lbih kurang je kan?? hahaha... at least tukar..heheh
k la u'all Salam.. See Ya~