Mood : Feel Blessed
Status : Let Allah do the rest .. Tagboard Visit dem' |
ThE - WannaGurlZ
>> ASSALAMUALAIkUM << Hye2 .. Okeyh Agak manyak jugak mende yg myla nak share ari nie .. hope, sudi bce till the end .. hee~ poyo saje .. kuing3 okeyh! at the older post , i've say that we (the-wg) will atend Ckg Shifa 's wedding ceremony .. hehe speaking sudah .. Stop!! so, seperti yg d'jnjikan kamiakan bertolak pkol 1.45 nmaybe smpy sne kol 2 ptg .. tpy, mende uh xseperti yg dijangkakan .. at last . grak kol 2.35 n smpy kol 3 .. haiyo! da lambt orh .. rmy gak yg dah blah .. ktorg je yg xreti2 .. hohoho tpy ,still hepy bab kami dpt berkumpul blek .. hehehe .. pape hal kalo youls nak tgok gamba dye bole bkak fb Myla SyiLala or Diena Alisye kaysz ?? huhuh PupYez .. see Ya ~ p/s : bile kami the WG berkumpul , |